Oscilloscope Made With Homemade Cathode Ray Tube.
The Worlds Smallest Cathode Ray Tube???
The Worlds Smallest Cathode Ray Tube? Second version.
Simple Homemade Tea Laser Only Three Inches Long.
Simple Homemade Tea Laser Running At 120 Hz.
Vidio of myself, Joel Peskin and Michael Brecker playing my electronic wind instruments.
Nyler Steiner_Michael Brecker_ Joel C. Peskin EWI Video
Early Receivers using a crystal detector as a negative resistance device. Crystadyne Receivers
Slater Harrison has produced a fantastic web site of exotic scientific toys that can be made from household materials. There is also a lot of links to videos and additional information about walkalong gliders, one of the coolest things I have ever seen. http://sciencetoymaker.org/
The Professors website that I make reference to in my Simple Homemade TEA Lasers article. There is a lot of technical background concerning TEA Lasers, that I do not cover in my article, and it is written by someone who really knows what is going on.Professor Mark Csele's Homebuilt Lasers Page.
Michael J. Rainey AA1TJ has put up one of the best sites ever for experimental ham radio home brew QRP projects. His "New England Code Talker" is a simple voice powered CW transmitter that has made contacts over a distance of 923 miles. "Diamp" is an amplifier circuit that uses common rectifier diodes to amplify just like a transistor. I built a diode amplifier circuit similar to his and it worked very well. There are many other great projects described there. Michael J. Rainey AA1TJ
A company that sells glow in the dark materials.Glow in the Dark Paint and Powder
A great page on Carbon Arc Oscillators. Carbon Arc Oscillators.
A couple of really great science experimenters pages.
Spud Guns,Air Cannons, and the explanation of quick release air valves and much more great stuff can be found at Backyard Ballistics. Check it out!!